So, you’re in this course and you may have pondered, or discussed with others, what this course will be about. You likely already have a lot of experience with organizations, teams, and leadership. You’ve been through schools, joined clubs, participated in social or religious groups, competed in sports, or taken on full- or part-time jobs. Through these activities, you probably have some preconceptions of what management is all about. You’ve already been exposed to time management, deciding how much study time you will devote to your classes versus other priorities and commitments. You may have had a job where you reported to a higher-level manager. You may have followed news reports on well-respected managers and leaders and want to learn what made them successful so you can emulate their practices in your business career.
As you think back to organizations, businesses, and activities you’ve been involved with, some of your experiences may have been pretty positive. However, it’s highly likely that you also wondered, “Isn’t there a better way to do this?” After participating in this course, hopefully you will find the answer to be “Yes!” While management is both art and science, this course can help you to identify and develop essential skills to better manage your own behavior and the behaviors of others.
There has never been a more exciting time to be involved in business, whether your plan is to find a job close to home or seek a career path that takes you to a larger city. No matter where you land, a strong understanding of management principles will help you navigate your professional work environment and the people you encounter in all aspects of your job. Many of the skills you’ll develop in this course are universal and can be applied in various professions, whether you plan on becoming an accountant, marketer, entrepreneur, or even if you land up in other “non-business” tracks such as criminal justice or information technology.
Regardless of where your academic and career path takes you, you will appreciate the roles that managers play in an organization and the behaviors and actions that will get you recognized, appreciated, and on a path to an enjoyable and successful career.
Best of luck!

Management 2020 text remixed from multiple sources under a CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. View a complete list of original sources.