Module 1: Management Today
- Welcome to Management Principles
- The World of Management
- Management Roles
- Manager Characteristics
- Managerial Responsibilities
- Management Structures
- Management Skills
- P-O-L-C Framework
- Leadership
- Entrepreneurship
Module 2: Milestones in Management Theory
- History of Management
- Industrial Revolution
- Smith: The Division of Labor
- Taylor: Scientific Management
- Taylor: Scientific Management
- Fayol: Principles of Management
- Weber: The Ideal Bureaucracy
- Limitations of the Early Views
- Mayo: The Hawthorne Studies
- McGregor: Theory X & Theory Y
- Maslow: Hierarchy of Needs
- Herzberg: Motivation-Hygiene Theory
Module 3: Business Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility
- Business Ethics
- Business Ethics Since The Great Recession
- Corporate Fraud
- Costs of Unethical Behavior
- Integrating Ethics in Managerial Decision Making
- Ethical Behavior vs Legal Behavior
- Ethical Challenges
- Codes of Ethics & Practice
- Encouraging Ethical Behavior
- Whistleblowing
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Controversies Surrounding Corporate Social Responsibility
- Social Entrepreneurship & Social Enterprise
Module 4: Decision Making
- Understanding Decision Making
- Types of Decisions
- Rational Decision-Making Process
- Satisfice: Making “Good Enough” Decisions
- Intuitive Decisions
- Making Creative Decisions
- Choosing The Right Approach
- Faulty Decision Making
- Decision Making in Groups
- Groupthink
- Making Better Decisions
Module 5: Mission, Vision & Values
- Planning
- Mission & Vision Statements
- Values
- Mission & Vision in Strategy Development
- Creativity & Passion
- Creativity Tools
- Passion
- Stakeholders
- Identifying Stakeholders
- Crafting Mission & Vision Statements
Module 6: Strategic Analysis
- Corporate & Business Strategies
- Strategic Analysis
- External Environment
- SWOT Analysis
- Porter’s Five Forces: The Micro Environment
- Internal Analysis
- Situational Analysis
- Competition & Competitive Advantage
- Business Strategies
- Strategic Positioning
- How Strategies Emerge
Module 7: Planning & Strategy Implementation
- Planning
- Strategic Planning
- The Planning Cycle
- The Planning Process
- Long-Term & Short-Term Plans
- Benchmarking
- The Nature of Goals & Objectives
- Goal Setting
- Management by Objective
- Balanced Scorecard
- Effective Goals & Objectives
- Levels of Strategies
- Measuring & Evaluating Performance
Module 8: Organizational Design
Module 10: Individual Behavior
Module 11: Managing Teams
Module 12: Motivating Employees
Module 13: Managers as Leaders
Module 14: Managerial Controls